Our reel journey – Salt Lake City Field Trip

The one with the Park City Retreat!

We started sharing some Reels on Instagram to help share our collective. This was the first one! Intended to give a short & sweet feel of Project Wonder. With some context on the caption- which read:

In August, we hosted our first retreat with a group of 7 girls (and Owen) 💝

The retreat was an immersive experience of the Project Wonder curriculum. We focused on learning about businesses and how to apply that knowledge to our own entrepreneurial journeys. In addition to this, we participated in activities that brought us closer together, including rafting, hiking, an improv dance session, and a visit to a zendo. We also enjoyed fun get-to-know-you games 🌝

We have many more stories to share from this trip. It was truly a time of growth and bonding.

This Collective

Cloe V.

By Cloe V.

Costa Rica

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