While it is important and powerful to visualize your goal and project, you also need to create a plan of action for when the going gets tough and you need some motivation. One great option is doing the WOOP method.
W for Wish – Set a second SMART goal for this course. Return to the Module 1 SMART goal refresh path if you need it! This time, your SMART goal should be for your project and what you hope to achieve.
O for Outcome – Choose one of the methods to create a visual for your outcome
Create a visual that shows you achieving your outcome, utilizing all 5 senses, demonstrating your emotional reaction, and relating it to your values and how it will affect the rest of your life.
O for Obstacle – Make a copy of the chart. Brainstorm any possible obstacles that might get in your way to achieve your goals.
P for Plan – Set a “when (obstacle), then (effective plan)” plan for each obstacle.
Share your WOOP chart on the path. Make sure to adjust your settings to allow others to view.
Respond to one other cohort’s WOOP chart with positive advice.