Aquaponic Community Garden

Team Name/Location

Manuel, Noah & Luiz

My project is to create an aquaponic system (based off of hydroponics) for my community of Playa Grande/Matapalo. I plan to create a sustainable way to grow crops and bring a new gardening system as well as to open a discussion about nutrition and food security.

This Collective

Project Owners


What I like:
Something that I enjoy doing and makes me feel excited is tennis. I go there with my friends or alone, sometimes workout and others times to play it's a memory that I will always hold close to my heart. Another activity that I not only love doing but that benefits me in so many ways, I am extremely passionate about my cooking; being costa rican it's a big part of my life and my mom and I bond over tradition and it makes me excited every time.
What I Do:
What I want to get out of this project is a chance to bring a new innovative and sustainable form of gardening to my community which will lead to my part 2 of the project which is to bring awareness to nutrition and food security and what we can be doing for an affordable price to increase health in the community. It is also a chance for me to bond with the people who have had an impact in my life as well as new people I haven't gotten a chance to meet and for the community members to form connections among themselves through a common interest.
What I Want:
Something that I know how to do is how to change a tire, my family is really big on doing things themselves so special "mcgiver" skills are constantly being used and are super handy and helpful it also showcases creative thinking in many of the situations because you are having to come up with new ways to fix things all the time. Another skill that I feel is useful is sewing, I sew little bits of my clothing and its a good base to be able to be self-sustainable.
This team has not posted any supporters yet.

Build the structure


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Start Planting


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Get the fish


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Water Pump
Tilapia Fish
20$-50 fish
Pvc Pipes
111$-66 meters


(1) Water pump (2)Wood (3) Bucket for the fish
(1) Last years tennis marathon (2) Donated by my mom (3) Had at home

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