Hydro Nature

Team Name/Location

Lionel Scheidt, Costa Rica

It all started with my group in science class. We made aquaponics and have learned many things but also had some failures in the process.
What we decided on doing is making tables with PVC pipe going up in lines and than we drill holes in them and make a hydroponics system. We will also have sausages which is a mini farm in a bag hanging around on the outside.

This Collective

Project Owners

Lionel Scheidt and John Zepeda

What I like:
The things that I love most in life is to fly, workout and wakeboard. I am very passionate about these things because they make me feel free because I am in control and I get to be in my own little world.
What I Do:
I want to learn a few skills. I want to be able to use my hands, learn construction and everything that comes with it. With these skills I want to make something that is sustainable with the smallest impact on the environment.
What I Want:
I am able to fly a plane by myself with out help from a instructor. I am able to do a back hand roll on a kicker.
This team has not posted any supporters yet.

Finish Construction of the Garden

lionel scheidt and john zepeda

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Plant seeds

lionel scheidt and john zepeda

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Harvest and re-plant

lionel scheidt and john zepeda

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Pvc tubes,caps,joints.


Tennis Marathon, John Zepeda, Work

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