Eco-Bricks Wall

Team Name/Location

Samuel Alvarez and Adriana Salazar, Guatemala, Chimaltenango, Colegio Mesoamericano

In 2010 our principal came to our 5th grade class and presented the idea of eco-bricks. We both were between 10 and 11 years old. She told us that we could build things out of the Eco bricks, one of them being the eco-wall. We did not do much with the idea at the time. But it stayed in our minds. Two years later our projects teacher told us to choose between several environmental projects for us to work on during the year. Five of us decided to restart the eco-wall project. Both of us were very excited about it, and we continued designed, people came and left, but each one helped us get one step closer to our goal. Our purpose was making a wall that would give the community a message, and along with it, leave something to the school.

This Collective

Project Owners

Adriana Salazar (Administration)

What I like:
I really love soccer. I believe that everyone needs a break, and for me that is soccer, personally I don’t watch that much soccer, but I love being in the outside and just run and feeling free, because when I’m in the field nothing matter, is just me, my team, the ball, and one goal. I like talking in public, I am not a very social person, but I love talking in public, especially when I know what I am talking about, is fun for me to express my ideas in front of people.
What I Do:
I want to create this wall to first, demonstrate the kids in my school that there are things we can do to start a change. Second, I want to show the community that we are doing something, our school is doing something, and everyone can join this movement. Above all, I want to leave something to my school. My school has giving us so much, and I would love to give back!
What I Want:
I know how to edit videos, my teacher presented us with Movie Maker and little by little I started to use other programs and I learned that I really like editing. I am good giving presentations. I know two languages (Spanish and English)

Samuel Alvarez (Designer)

Dina López

Carina Salazar

What I like:
The mesoamericano community, composed of students, teachers, administrators and parents, has a very clear idea that we are a community of extraordinary people. In every field we delve into, every person, from the janitor to the director, always strive for excellence in whatever task is at hand. The parents also strive to reinforce, and support the projects that the students start at school. The students themselves motivate their peers to go the extra mile, to dedicate the time and effort to making their projects exceptional.
What I Do:
This community has strong values. Environmental, Educational, and Family oriented. It is also a community full of vision and empathy, always striving for the better good and each member contributing their own grain of sand. It is a community of movers and creators, of projects and social workers, it has much to offer the development of its local community and share with the global community of like minded programs.
What I Want:
The community needs a digital platform, accessible by all members of the community where sharing and colaborating on projects is facilitated and encouraged.

Selvin Avila

Students of the 2016 promotion


This team has not posted any supporters yet.

Build fundation for a block


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Place ecobricks in the block

students of the 2016 promotion

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Make ecobricks

selvin avila

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Sort ecobricks

samuel álvarez

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Create Design of the image of the block

samuel álvarez

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Deliniate the design on the wall

adriana salazar

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Prepare stucco (mix sand, cement, limestone, and water) and plaster it on to the block


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Paint the block!

samuel álvarez

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Paint Cans
Materials for the base fundation
5 Different Materials
1 Bag
1 gallon
1 Bag
1 Bag


Painting, brushes, Tiner, other materials
Jensen Family
Materials and workers for the block fundation for it to be a wall
Colegio Mesoamericano

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