Matapalo Fertilizer Shed

Team Name/Location

Luis Felipe and Noah Goldberg

This Collective

Project Owners

Luis Felipe

What I like:
I am very passionate about reading, I love reading about everything, from science and business to fiction, I enjoy off road biking , I love how peaceful it is and the view that you have depending on the route you take, and the time you do it, lastly I really like competitive video games, small tournaments or national leagues, I love competition and this activity is all about that.
What I Do:
I want to learn more skills regarding the planning and execution of a project as this will be very helpful for my future, from small things like house projects, to projects at work. I want to learn more about organic gardening and food production as this is something I can do in my own at my house and is beneficial for the planet.
What I Want:
I have developed farming skills in the past at school projects and at my farm, I have participated in various gardening projects, I have also been to different organic farms and gardens where I learned more about organic fertilizing and how to use it effectively. I have acquired leadership skills thought different school projects, and this project is greatly helping me develop them further because we are completely encouraged of it.

Noah Goldberg

What I like:
I love surfing and I do it all the time. Surfing is the perfect sport that includes many different skills that you can implement on the rest of your life. For me there is no better feeling than flying across the water, and it serves as a meditation and relaxation, balancing out my rigorous school life.
What I Do:
Through this project I will gain new gardening skills and also learn new things about compost, fertilizer and local gardening practices. This will help me get ahead in the future where I may need to use these skills and knowledge for school and personal projects. Also through this project i will strengthen my connect with Futuro Brillante which is the organization that will be helping us in Matapalo.
What I Want:
I have learned and practiced gardening, through school but also outside working with other projects like "The Mangrove Project" and "Jardin de la Costa" which both helped me develop my gardening skills. Also it is one of my passions and something regarding this topic will probably be what I study in college. Another skill I have is communication. This skill is very important in every situation especially when needing to plan activities and formal meetings.

Noah and Luis

What I like:
This is our joint team member
This team has not posted any supporters yet.

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noah and luis

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Work plan

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Construction of Shed

noah and luis

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Tubo IND REC 25x50
Tubos HN EST 50x50
Sold HILCO 3/32" Punto Rojo
Disco Metabo C/Metal 14"
Pintura Malla Aluminio 610
Techo OND HG #28
Galon Thinner
Varilla DEF G40 3x6 MTS 3/8"
Tubo IND CUA 25x1. 50mm
Bisagra Platina B-03 Par Guifo
Picaporte PIN #5 PPNS
Candado Yale #110 40MM Corto 110-40



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