Always Motivated Movement

Team Name/Location

Always Motivated Movement team (AMM team), Guanacaste, Costa Rica

What I want is for you to stay motivated in life, and to inform each person that even if they’re struggling in life, anyone has the potential to overcome it through hard work and perseverance. The stories of these speakers are very motivating and they each tell a story about how a struggle was overcome. I’m trying to help students, and those who are going through a lot in life during this time of Covid, and give them that motivation through these hard times.

This Collective

Project Owners

Lucas Gurruchaga

What I like:
My manias are sports, video games, music, clothes, creativity related to house building. From a young age, I've loved sports and I've always played whatever I liked at the time. I would always switch the sport I was interested in, whether it was soccer, football, tennis, surfing, or basketball. For the past few years now I've been into basketball and have played on the team for a while now. My parents both played a lot of sports all throughout high school and were athletic, making me pretty athletic too. The only thing is I'm not very tall but I can jump and run fast which are the things that make up for my height. Another interest I have is video games. I enjoy playing open-world games where you can explore the map along with sports games since I'm into sports. NBA 2k is fun although it hasn't been that good of a game in recent years. Music is another topic I like a lot. I mostly listen to Rap songs along with R&B, and I enjoy freestyling when concentrated on doing activities like homework. I like to add melody to the lines so they aren't so bland. Music can truly help people when in hard situations which is a reason why I love it so much, it truly inspires people to keep going and gives them a will to live.
What I Do:
About 6 months ago in 2019, I worked at a grocery store in Canada and I developed the skill of staying on task. We all get a little distracted but this taught me to finish everything I need to do first then do what I want after work is done. This skill has helped me to this day, of course, I'm not perfect and it's a challenge to always stay on track but I've improved a lot comparing this year to the last. Ways I use this skill is, at my school La Paz in Costa Rica we have a little store in which we sell snacks for the students during snack time and after school hours, but when selling to our students I try to make sure I'm as respectful as I can be which is what I learned from working at the store in Canada. Treat your customers with respect. Another skill I've developed is communication. I've developed it all my life and it's still improving until this day. I use this skill when presenting. Presenting is something that I'm good at and it's derived from my skill of communication. Of course, before presenting I may be a little nervous but once I start talking I get in my groove. Another skill I possess is my neat handwriting, this may not be extremely important but it definitely helps out and makes it easy for people to know what I want to say.
What I Want:
I want kids to have a brighter future in Costa Rica. The economic and financial struggles in Costa Rica are something that has been increasing with Covid-19. I found that the implementation of online school was hard, I found it difficult to focus at the time until I realized how bad I was doing in school and the lack of motivation that can come with online school. A lot of students are still in online school and I want to provide them with motivation by finding motivational speakers and having them come to schools. These speakers have amazing stories about overcoming a struggle in their life, I want these students to identify a struggle that they might have in their life and overcome it to be the best person they can be.
This team has not posted any supporters yet.

Find a school in Canada that could supply computers


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Explain my

Lucas Gurruchaga

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Arrange amount of computers to ship to Costa Rica

Lucas Gurruchaga

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Talk to schools about how I can ship these computers and fees it'll cost

Lucas Gurruchaga

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Think of new idea for project, as last didn't work out

Lucas Gurruchaga

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"Always Motivated Movement" new idea for my new CAS project, update wonderment logs and explain changes being made

Lucas Gurruchaga

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Find a motivational speak that could present to La Paz Community School

Lucas Gurruchaga

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Speak to school about Covid protocols and introduce Jonatan Rodriguez, a motivational speaker that is a family friend

Lucas Gurruchaga

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Arrange a date that would work for him to present his story online

Lucas Gurruchaga

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Start the presentation through Zoom, 9th, 10th, and 11th participating in the talk

Lucas Gurruchaga

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House for Speaker to stay at: Sunshine Villa home in Palm Beach Estates
$145 per night


Since my grandparents own the house the expenses are covered and are free for the speaker, creating a deal for them, staying at a house close to the beach for free, while doing what they love.
$145 per night

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