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Team Name/Location
Luca Marin, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
My project will consist of creating several three on three basketball tournaments to raise funds for local basketball related activities. My project will cover the expenses for buying new jerseys or equipment like basketballs and cones or paying for transportation to far away games. Also, buying basketball shoes for people that can’t afford them, because everyone deserves to play the game of basketball. All this while adding a fun, healthy activity to the community.
Find date
Luca Marin
Figure out location
Luca Marin
Figure out pricing
Luca Marin
Figure out food and drinks for the day of the event
Luca Marin
Begin marketing towards donors, parents and kids. (Twitter, Instagram, Community meeting, Facebook (Families of La Paz))
Luca Marin
Host event
Luca Marin
Share this Project link with your friends.
Part of The Wonderment Cooperative, a (501c3) Non-Profit. Terms of Service