CAS Project: Dodgeball Tournament

Olivia van Heule, Costa Rica, Tamarindo, Guanacaste

I am hoping for this project to include and involve as many people to come and play this very interactive and fun sport by the name of dodgeball. The world isn’t a really happy place right now, having everyone come together and show there competitive and energetic side is very fun and hasn’t happened in a while, so allowing people to come out of their houses and enjoy themselves, is very rewarding. I already have the location and mentors which I am very happy and thankful about. All the proceeds will go to a special cause that is close to my heart, which is a non-profit animal charity by the name of Salve Monos that helps monkeys to stay healthy and find a better home for them. I am super excited for this event to happen and truly hope that everyone that attends it have a great time!

I am hoping for this project to include and involve as many people to come and play this very interactive and fun sport by the name of dodgeball. The world isn’t a really happy place right now, having everyone come together and show there competitive and energetic side is very fun and hasn’t happened in a while, so allowing people to come out of their houses and enjoy themselves, is very rewarding. I already have the location and mentors which I am very happy and thankful about. All the proceeds will go to a special cause that is close to my heart, which is a non-profit animal charity by the name of Salve Monos that helps monkeys to stay healthy and find a better home for them. I am super excited for this event to happen and truly hope that everyone that attends it have a great time!

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Mission Statement

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