Team Name/Location
Stephannie Aburto and Ashley Royle, Playa Brasilito, Guanacaste, C.R.
For our CAS Project this year we will focus on helping the community of Brasilito. Brasilito is a community that is very close to our school, where there is a high poverty rate and especially during the past year due to the pandemic. Ashley and I strive to support them with some of these problems they are dealing with including food, hygiene products clothes, etc. Throughout this support, they are able to financially stabilize themselves during these difficult COVID times.
Share information about our CAS project with our school
Stephannie Aburto
Have a reaserch of families that need the most, because they dont live in well conditions and they dont have access to get a job or money
Stephannie Aburto
Ask for donations at school and announce our plan of Piñata contest.
Stephannie Aburto
Sale bake goods at school to fundraise money
Open GoFundMe
Give the piñata to the class that has the most donations of the campus.
Donate the Clothes and food to the families
Donate more food to our focus family of a single mom with three kids.
Send out cards to possible donators of companies , business etc..
Donate more food and clothing to families of Brasilito
Share this Project link with your friends.
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