Dressing for Smiles

Holida Annamuradova, Ephraim, UT

Right now, I am in the Service Learning class and I need to do big project for finals. Then I chose to help small organization called “Resource Clothing Bank” in the Ephraim. They supply poor people with new or used clothes for free. But, they need a lot of help, little organization is putting smiles on people’s faces and I also wanted to add my help by doing my best. They need new, bigger building and also they want to have new clothes for newborn babies. But, they do not have many donors and they have less income. So, I just wanted to help with the building or finance. I heard about The Wonderment page and their support. I just need some support to achieve my goals. It is not only class work but, I really want to help, also this is my future goal to work with non-profit organizations. Last, I can get some help from my professor and friends.

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Dashhowuz Welayaty, Turkmenistan

Project Video

Taking everything you learned through your research process, create a compelling video that tells the story of your ideal project and engages and informs your audience.

Mission Statement

A powerful mission statement for a social entrepreneurial project shows how your passions and values align with the goals of your project.

Market Research Prompt

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Tell us about the mentors who help keep you on track, give you feedback, and keep you motivated to continue.

Timeline Prompt

When you set a clear direction, make attainable goals and understand deadlines it allows the organizers of a project to meet tasks in the right time frame.


Creating a budget helps determine how much money is needed for a project, how to track expenses and how to utilize the budget throughout the project.

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