Inspiring our community by promoting and teaching dance

Team Name/Location

Guanacaste Costa Rica

The purpose of this project is to help support our studio that is facing small challenges with money at the moment. COVID 19 had a great effect on the studio. The loss of participation in activities caused a decrease in profit. ELEVATE currency is struggling to provide the necessary cash in order to support scholarships for kids, pay for new floors and supply new experiences for the students. The money gained will be super beneficial for the studio and the kids. Additionally we will be able to create awareness of topics and issues being faced in the world that the community may not be aware about.

This Collective

Project Owners

Hunter Jacobs

What I like:
Im passionate about dance. When i'm dancing it feels like the whole world falls away, I don't have to worry about whats going to happen tomorrow or what happened today I get to be in the moment doing what I love. It also isn't easy so I get the chance to work hard at something that I love to do, and I find a sense of achievement in my dedication towards dance. I like to read and watch anime. I use these as an outlet and to make connections to my life by applying what I have learned from them and reflecting on what I have read/watched.
What I Do:
A skill that i'm good at is dancing but more specifically choreographing. I enjoy the aspect of making something beautiful for other people to learn and enjoy. Im also really good at teaching wether whether it's in dance, school or my personal life. I see myself as a leader always taking the opportunity to take charge and help out.
What I Want:
I want to be able to help my community with this project. I want to learn how to teach dance to little kids or beginner dancers, I want to learn how to fundraise, and I want to improve my collaboration skills with the organizations that I will be working with.

Alexa Marin

What I like:
I love to spend my time dancing and doing art. I take every opportunity to improve and become a better version of myself. Dance is a way to give me the outlet to express my perspective without criticism or judgment. Art has become another passion of mine to further express my own mind and soul. It has helped me discover and understand things about myself that I never recognized before.
What I Do:
Dance has sculpted me into the person I am today. Besides important dance skills such as an arabesque, grand jete, or grand battement, I have mastered many skills in the studio that will be important in the real world. Performing on a stage has reduced my fear of talking in public. Now speeches, announcements, and any form of public speaking appear far easier. Dancing required me to collaborate with a diverse group of people, making me a valuable contributor to community team projects like my CAS project. And lastly, dance has taught me about self-discipline. Dedication comes from showing up to class, but discipline is giving it your all no matter the exercise or my physical state. It has taught me to stay motivated, work hard, and take the task seriously.
What I Want:
This project is about teaching and inspiring others about dance. Throughout the process, I wish to influence others to step outside of their comfort zone, discover their passion or simply provide a new opportunity for a kid who otherwise would not be able to have access to it. As a result of this project, I hope to feel fulfilled and proud of myself for encouraging and helping the community in a way I enjoy. Creating new relationships, adventures and artistry is a plus. In the long run, I hope to provide scholarships, clothing, funds, and future experiences for the CEPIA and Elevate kids.

Ava Jacobs

What I like:
I love dancing. I would do it over anything else. I think about it everyday and take every opportunity to improve. It is a place where I can express myself and be myself. A place where I can get stronger. It allows me to be creative which translates into my art, classes, and life. When I see art it makes me feel things and I love making art that makes others feel something as-well.
What I Do:
I can draw, dance, and choreograph. I do well in school and am a hard worker.
What I Want:
I want to give someone else that maybe doesn't have the opportunity to dance to be able to dance and feel what I feel about dance. I want to provide opportunities beyond just classes so they can continue to dance even after I leave this CAS project.
This team has not posted any supporters yet.

Start choreography and teach dance to Nadia


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Stay in communication with Becahunts and research for theater choreography


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Teach dance to Beachnuts theater kids


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Work on cleaning solo choreography for upcoming competitions


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Dance materials, stage for performance, costumes for the show
Stage expenses
$100,000 to $200,000


Elevate provided the services for the showcase as well as the costumes
Elevate movement dance studio

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