La Paz 2021 Model United Nations

Team Name/Location

MUN, Flamingo, Costa Rica

This project consist of making a Model United Nation with the people that are part of our community. We will be discussing issues that are affecting our society, and making the people aware of the situation of each country that they are assigned of. In order to do that we will have to choose the right issues, right countries and right sources. This MUN will make the students discuss and find ideal solutions for the specific issue that will be choose.

This Collective

Project Owners


What I like:
Growing up in Paris the hype behind soccer is phenomenal. Since I can remember playing soccer gave me that passion of creating skill that could help me with my life in the future and some of those skill are developing teamwork, perseverance, leadership, but most importantly the way it connects people together by playing a sport really gave me passion to play soccer. Being a competitive person soccer really made me go trough bad and good moment and made me the person that I am today. Surfing is like no other sport. Riding a wave make you escape from reality and provides you with this connection with mother nature like you never felt before. The way you can ride a wave and feel the speed, the wind and the adrenaline that is going trough you when riding a wave is like no other sensation. But the unexpected reward is the best when finding the wave you've been waiting for is like no other feelings.
What I Do:
Communication made me improve the way that I operate through life, smoothing my way in my relationships with others. Being able to convince someone by just using this skill really made me reflect on how important face to face talk are in the 21 first century. Growing I've always wanted to see the people around me happy, and since this day I found that when I'm positive the people around me will most likely be in a happy mood. I think that when being positive in your everyday life really help you in whatever stuff you are doing and will for sure make you improve on the work that you are doing.
What I Want:
MUN is helping me with my leadership skill and this is shown when a big issue is getting discussed and you are indeed of a solution, I will try to find the right solution for the right country but most importantly at the right moment. This project will help me but most importantly the other people by doing it. All the people that will be doing will develop amazing skill for them. Having the chance of public speaking in front of those people is an opportunity to face fear of speaking in front of a crowd, and also just the way I can influence people throughout my speaking is something I would like to do in my future.



What I like:
Since I can remember I've played soccer, I've always been in a soccer team as I always wanted to play games against other kids, I was very competitive which made me want to get better and win games, I trained almost everyday and tried to improve everyday, and to date my goal is still to be a professional soccer player even though if im being more realistic it wont happen as its a very risky and complicated which I will try but I will try to find something else before going only for it. Another passion of mine is just working out, Ive always been into sports but working out is different as it teaches you discipline, risk taking situations, as well as being more creative, and responsible. Ive always tried to be physically active as well as healthy, some times school makes it complicated but I always try my best.
What I Do:
Balanced has always been a good skill a have since I can have fun and do my sports, go out with friends and at the same time I can do school work. Its a specially good skill as with all the homework there is you stay sane and have to stay home only dedicating to school. Another one is that Im very good on staying on task since for many other people is difficult, I like to keep focus and do what is supposed.
What I Want:
I want to create an MUN team that will develop to be a known one in the country. We want to take them out of the country and do bigger MUNs with them to get them to practice, great new friendships with the people that join, find people that are passionate about it. hopefully we complete our goal with all our abilities and can create a nice CAS project.

Matt 2

Matt 3

This team has not posted any supporters yet.

Trivia Night


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120 Name Tag Holders
12 Name Plate Holders
World Maps (English, Spanish 78in x 48in)


Time, Space
Teachers, School

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