Recycling at Selkirk?

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Vi, .

I am hoping to come up with a functioning recycling system for our school / classroom, even through the challenges Covid presents. Having a proper recycling system was discontinued this year due to health concerns. In past years, the Gr. 6s would go class to class collecting recycling. I plan on making a station where classes can drop off their recyclables at the end of each week. They will come at different times, for limited contact.

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What I like:
I like to paint or draw when I have time, listen to music while doing schoolwork, mess around playing volleyball, and learn songs on the piano.
What I Do:
I am taking music lessons outside of school, learning violin and guitar. I've been playing the violin for 8 years, guitar for 4, and just recently started teaching myself piano. I've also been studying Japanese in my free time. I want to learn as many of the kanji as I can. FuN fAct I can kind-of solve a Rubik's cube.
What I Want:
I'd like to have a well organized system for recycling, in our individual classrooms, and possibly the whole school. I want to make this system as organized and easy to use as possible.
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Gather recycling bins from past years


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This team hasn't made a budget yet. Check back later!

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