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Team Name/Location

Jean Pierre Robert, Costa Rica

Project Owners

Jean Pierre

What I like:
Some things that I like to do is build Lego, especially those who are big and complicated. Lego are a great way to exercise your mind and improve your creativity, although Lego sets bring their own instructions that doesn't mean that you need to follow them, sometimes people use some Lego's pieces and use it to construct their own Lego (A car, House, Spaceship...). Lego also help to build and create order since while building a Lego set (Depending on the amount of pieces) bags come with numbers therefore showing you which bag goes first, it also makes the person follow the instructions and creates an eye for detail since you need to be careful which piece goes where and when. I also enjoy Scuba Diving since I enjoy looking at the fish and sharks that live in the deep Ocean and swim at them. When you scuba diving you feel peaceful, while scuba diving you focus only on yourselves while you slowly breath in and out. Underwater there are no emails, phone calls, texts just you and the water. Another great thing about Scuba Diving is that every time time is different, even if you dive 10 times on the same spot, every time is going to be different you might see something once and then another on your next dive. Another great thing I enjoy doing on my free time is reading books or articles that are interesting to me or are related to a subject I enjoy. Reading is great for your mind since it improves your reading skills and memory, because in order to understand the book you need to remember the plot, characters and any other thing important to the story line. Not only that but reading takes you away from the real life and submerges you into a whole new world and life, you could find yourselves reading a book for a moment and suddenly its two hours later and your still hooked halfway through the book.
What I Do:
A skill that I think I have mastered very well and think that everyone should have it is: Dedication. Without dedication life on Earth would be a mess, people would start something and first obstacle they encounter they would give up and start the whole process all over again. Without dedication, most of the technology we have today like cellphones and the computers you are reading this from would've never been created. Another skill that is crucial to succeed in life is problem solving, this is the ability to solve a problem without needing to depend on someone else for instructions or directions on where and how to proceed to confront this problem. Problem solving not only teaches you to become more independent, but also teaches you other skills depending on the problem you are facing.
What I Want:
What I want to get out of this project is the ability to do something great and say THANK YOU to all the staff who works at St. Jude Hospital for doing all the handwork they do that benefit children who are currently fighting for their lives worldwide. This hospital is so amazing that in my mind they deserve a way that shows how grateful the patients and families who went, or were affected (Positively) by their amazing work.
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Learn about CoVid-19 regulations (At that time) and start planning out the next trimester

Jean Pierre

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Flight (LIR - MEM)


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