The Kashia Pomo Roundhouse

Friends of Kashia, Sonoma Coast, Northern California

We need your help completing this project and weather-proofing the roundhouse before winter.

This Roundhouse is much bigger than a building: it is a symbol of resilience and reclamation. A place to gather and nurture connections and community. An invitation for healing for all who seek it.

The Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria is a Federally Recognized Tribe located in Sonoma County of California. Despite the extraordinary events of the past two years, and resource constraints, a handful of tribal members have erected the vital center pole to this sacred space. We cannot do this alone, we need your help. With your support, we can accomplish something monumental: restore this sacred Roundhouse for Kashia, surrounding tribes, and future generations.

This is a very special and unique direct-impact opportunity. There are not many of these places left. Your dollars will make an immediate impact here. We will share regular updates on the progress we make together.

Your donations will cover the costs of labor and supplies like shingles, staples, and roofing felt, to ensure that the Roundhouse is completed.

In this Roundhouse, Weya can flow to heal all who seek it. “Weya” means nurturing, healing energy. It is a sacred word & teaching shared by the late Kashia Pomo elder and healer, Lorin Smith. The Kashia Pomo have protected and carried this healing energy forward for over 10,000 years.

We hope that Weya flows from this place into your heart.

Thank you Creator, our Ancestors, our Community, and YOU for helping us weave this dream into reality.

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