It is hard to comprehend that we could be the only planet capable of life. The universe is gigantic, and while I do think it is probable that other planets in our solar system don’t have lifeforms, I think there must be some on some other faraway planet. It is hard to know what kind of life might be on other planets: will they look like us, or will they be something else entirely? Will they be more or less advanced than us? We can’t know anything for sure, but I would like to think we are not alone. Does it matter? I’m not sure it does. We have made it a long time without knowing, and the only real importance I think finding out holds is purely based on comfort. To many people, it might seem scary to be in this big galaxy all by ourselves, especially when we are now facing a climate crisis.
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Cole Gilje
April 16, 2021
Hey Adeline, I completely agree with your response. I also think that it would be very hard for there to be no other life in any of the galaxies. It is very interesting to think that other lifeforms could be more or less advanced than us.
April 17, 2021
I agree with your answer to does it matter. I understand that as humans we are a naturally curious species but we have survived this long without knowing if there is life on other planets. The main reason we are looking is to see if we could leave Earth and go to the new planet which is interesting since we spend more money trying to leave Earth than save it.
emory macri
April 21, 2021
Hi Adeline! I agree with you. I think that it is impossible to know for sure if there is really life out there but I think that it might not matter. I think that before we go searching for life elsewhere we should take care of our planet first.
May 5, 2021
Hello Adeline! I agree that we should save Earth first- but think of this. With less humans on the planet, we could leave mostly scientists to take care of Earth, so that it has time to recover without major human influence.