are we alone?

I do not think we are alone. It is close-minded to think that we are the only living creatures in space. There are so many systems besides our solar system, in infinite universes. There is bound to be more than one planet that supports life but not identical to Earth. If there are other beings, I think it is best to not have contact with them. We should keep to ourselves, but if we decide to have a relationship with them, I hope no big mistakes are made. By that time humans should have evolved, hopefully. Blueprints on Earth will differ from other planet’s makeup, but yes I think other planets have blueprints because they all started from somewhere. As much as I would love to explore outer space, I think we should resolve Earth’s conflicts first before we move on. We could put the intelligence to solve problems in our world and work little by little to improve space exploration. Knowing that life exists beyond Earth excites me yet terrifies me. I think this would not really change anything, except make people panic and begin to store items, or chaos breaks out like what happened when the Coronavirus came to the US. That is my thinking on the questions, Unit 7 was probably my favorite one!

Created By: Taylen Pahe

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