At this point in time with our technology, the question of whether we are alone or not seems fairly irrelevant. Not that it won’t ever be relevant within the next few centuries, but we have hardly explored our universe, our galaxy, let alone the other planets in our solar system. I think that our curiosity about this topic, and possibly finding other intelligent beings like us, is important so that we can eventually have the resources to find out the answer, though it most certainly won’t be during our lifetime. Thinking about how we may not be alone will sometimes keep me up at night though, spiraling me into a deep dissociative state about how small we are on this planet compared to everything else in this universe, maybe other universes, and whatever is outside of those universes. But just that inability to even comprehend how much is really out there further convinces me that there is no way we’re alone. My first sentence still stands though, that it’s not something that we can look forward to finding out in our lifetime, so we shouldn’t worry about it too much.
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