Can our intelligence put these ponderings to use?
I think our intelligence can put these ponderings to use because we can think logically and also creatively.
This statement makes me feel excited to see what is out there. The universe is still a surprise and we do not know everything about the universe. I am very curious about what type of creatures or living things might be out there.
This changed how we go about our lives here because we are trying to build technology that can help us figure out what else might be out there. For example, there are teams that are continuing to build advanced technology to send up to Mars and see if there was or currently are living being there. This is just the start of a big step forward. In the future, we may be sending our advanced technology to other planets.
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April 1, 2021
Hi, I like how you mentioned how the universe is not completely explored by us yet. I agree that I am be excited to explore more about the universe because there may be other galaxies far far away. Good Job!!!
Brodie Hendrick
April 5, 2021
I think you mentions some curious points of view and I found them very interesting. You were also right about our universe and that we do not know whats out there or what may be out there inn the future!
Thank you,
Brodie Hendrick
April 7, 2021
I really liked how you said, “The universe is still a surprise and we do not know everything about the universe.” I completely agree with this and put a somewhat similar response in my post. The number of galaxies and solar systems predicted to be, we are nothing but a speck of dust on a speck dust. So, it would be crazy to think we are the only ones with any sort of life. Overall, really great job!