Are we Alone?

Personally, I believe that there is some form of life out there in the universe and that we are not alone. Earth is unique because it is a Goldilocks planet, and it can perfectly sustain life, which is a tough thing to do. However, I believe that some other planets sustain life. Our universe is huge, and it is estimated that there are over 40 billion different planets that are Goldilocks planets. All of these planets have the ability to hold life, and for Earth to be the only planet to do so would seem like such a waste in this universe. At the same time, it would make our planet even more special, despite the grim thought of us being alone.

Created By: Delaney Y.

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  1. William L.

    April 12, 2021

    I can see your viewpoint and I can agree with most of your points. The universe we live in is very big and continues to grow very quickly. The chances of another planet being able to host life is pretty high; however, it is the question of how close will that planet be. I like the idea you brought to the table and think you did a good job.

  2. sportingelijah

    April 12, 2021

    I can agree with this comment and the fact that if there are truly 40 million other Goldilocks planets then it would be hard to believe that there are no other lifeforms. I also think that if there aren’t then it is not a big deal, and I agree that it just makes our planet all the more special.

  3. TheGobSmacker

    April 14, 2021

    I believe that there is some form of life out there too. Many planets have been observed to have the right conditions for life, however, no evidence has been found yet. Mars, for example, has evidence of past liquid water.

  4. Cole Gilje

    April 16, 2021

    Hey Delaney, I agree with you that there are probably other forms of life somewhere out there. With 40 billion planets that can sustain life, I agree that Earth probably isn’t the only planet that has life on it. If Earth is the only planet that has life on it, Earth would be very special.

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