I haven’t had a best friend in a while. I suppose if we are not best friends now then we probably weren’t best friends before haha. Although I do not have a best friend at the moment, I do have close friends so I can base my experiences off of that. First, I would like to define what a good friend is to me. A good friendship is a commitment and requires effort on both sides. A good friend is someone that you can communicate with, without judgment that is not helpful. It is important to remember that a good friendship and a close friend are not perfect. If you strive for perfection in a friendship, it won’t work out because it’s impossible. Now to answer the question, “How does having a best friend shape your experience in life?” Honestly, having good and close friends is very important to me. To have that sense of loyalty, trust, respect, support, and judging when necessary, is a perfect feeling. To experience these things is one of the best feelings in the world. I am so very thankful to have such amazing people surrounding me. We feed off of each other’s emotions. Since the feeling of happiness is the one I feel most, I also bring that happiness to those around me. And the same thing goes for them, making me happy. We make each other happy and as I said, it’s really just a great feeling. I would not be who I am without such amazing friends! They’ve helped me be more confident in myself and have helped me become a better person.
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