Climate Change

Throughout the years I have heard a lot about climate change. Through the news, school, and casual conversation. I didn’t know much about climate change until high school, however. I knew the basics. The world is getting warmer due to human activity. Humans are releasing gasses in the world that trap the sun’s energy and break down the atmosphere. As the world continues to warm the level of catastrophic weather events increases as well. it is our goal to keep the increase in temperature below2 degrees celsius in order to restore a stable climate. With the technology that we have today, this doesn’t seem possible.

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  1. Rachel F

    May 5, 2021

    I’ve heard a lot about global warming too. Human activity releases gasses that ruin our ozone layer and atmosphere resulting in rising temperatures.

  2. Taylen Pahe

    May 8, 2021

    I’ve heard about climate change from my school and on the news as well, and sometimes from my parents. I knew the basics of it, and what to do. I take a little bit of action like recycling but I wish everyone would contribute in some way to preserve our planet longer.

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