Learning is a huge part of our lives. Every second, we learn something new but we also forget some things. As humans, we learn from what we see, feel, taste, analyze, hear, and smell. We also learn from our mistakes and trauma. To help myself learn, I take notes and use my camera to get a visual representation of the topic I am learning. I use different techniques when learning. When I want to learn from school, taking notes and participating helps a lot. Furthermore, humans learn in different ways. I feel many different emotions when learning. Learning about topics such as animal abuse, wars, etc. makes me feel scared and sad. But, learning about celebrations, and other good news, makes me feel happy. A learning technique that you could use is by printing out flashcards with pictures so that you could have a visual representation. For me, visual representations help out a lot so, maybe you should try it too and see if it works.
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