The five-second rule is popular and everyone must have heard of it. Dropping food on the floor is pretty common. Dropping m&m’s on the floor always makes me angry and I try to pick it up before the five seconds are over. But is this myth actually true? Jillian Clark, a student, has tested it out. She had two types of flooring. A rough and a smooth one. She covered both with bacteria and dropped the gummy bear. As a result, fewer bacteria were transferred to the rough surface. More researchers, Robyn Miranda, and Donald Schaffner did an experiment where they dropped strawberry gummy candy, bread, watermelon, and buttered bread on steel, tile, carpet, and wood with bacteria. They left the food for five seconds to five minutes. The results showed that watermelon held the most bacteria. With this information, we can say that bacteria is still transferred even before five seconds and it is best to avoid eating it, especially if the food is sticky or wet.
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May 23, 2021
I think this is very good to mention since a lot of people genuinely believe in the 5 second rule and this could lead to people getting sick. Also, the fact that people eat food off of the floors that we walk on with our dirty feet is also just gross in general, but I like that you included an experiment done with multiple variables since it shows the results of how the surface affects the amounts of bacteria as well as how the food itself affects the amounts of bacteria.