Hacking Photosynthesis

If they are able to translate this process into plants that we can eat than we will be able to grow bigger crops that will then lead to less food needing to be bought by each family so that more families can buy the food and not go hungry.

Created By: Eagle W.

Uploaded To: Hacking Photosynthesis

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  1. evasko1

    April 16, 2021

    I totally agree! The ‘shortcut’ they have found could massively help food shortages around the world and make sure we won’t have a food shortage in the years to come.

  2. nicolebautista

    May 11, 2021

    Hello! I agree with you. Some families today are short on food. Probably because some are too expensive for them to buy. With this process, we could turn that around and feed more families. Not only will they eat more but also healthier.

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