Hacking photosynthesis

Humans rely on photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants turn sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen. We use this oxygen to live and stay alive. One down side is during photosynthesis, plants take in some oxygen and that wastes energy and time. Some scientists are trying to find a way to skip that process of taking in that oxygen to speed up photosynthesis. The potential of completing this would allow us to find ways to use this in plant food production. With the increased speed of food production, we would be able to live longer and not have to worry about running out of food. It could also find a way to take more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and put more oxygen into the atmosphere. This would help change our global warming crises and help humans as a whole to survive. This process of shaping nature is underway with great results so far.

Created By: JD Mangum

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  1. evasko1

    April 16, 2021

    For sure, not only would better plant production help fit our food needs it would help with the growing pollution and climate change caused by our growing population and growing society.

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