Hacking Photosynthesis

How are humans shaping nature? What is the potential?

Humans are shaping nature by figuring out different ways to produce more food products for the future because there will be an overwhelming amount of people in the future. One potential could be artificial photosynthesis. This could improve plant and food production because it separates carbon dioxide from oxygen the same way plants do but in a faster way. This would be the next level of hacking photosynthesis.

Created By: Monkeys4Ever

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  1. rubyversele

    February 18, 2021

    I find the whole concept of creating artificial photosynthesis super interesting, but agree with you in the fact that to meet the population, speeding up photosynthesis could be a valuable goal.

  2. 4627984

    February 22, 2021

    I like how you described the process of artificial photosynthesis in a simple way to illustrate your point. I also agree that one of the potentials of artificial photosynthesis is creating more food for the increasing population.

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