Hacking Photosynthesis Thoughts

The video linked with this path expressed a major concern: In forty years the agricultural demand will double. Food is an extremely vital resource; we need it in order to live. Obviously, something needs to be done about this, but after watching the video I think there are some ethical concerns. Like we learned “Impact of Genetic Technologies” lesson, using science to alter plants isn’t always good. In the case of GMOs, we have no way of knowing whether or not the genetic modifications we are making to food will have negative effects on our long-term health. What does that mean in terms of “hacking” photosynthesis? Like with GMOs there are definite pros and cons. Does the demand for an increase in production out way drawbacks in editing the ways plants obtain nutrients? The science discussed in the video definitely shows a lot of potentials, and it’s also the solution to the problem. One thing is for certain. With all of the new technology we have access to, I believe that there will always be someone eager to try and find a new way they can alter nature.

Created By: adeline05

Uploaded To: Hacking Photosynthesis

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  1. Eagle W.

    March 8, 2021

    I believe that there should be more research done before we will be able to determine if the pros out way the cons. I agree that there will always be someone that will want to try to find new ways to alter life.

  2. Brodie Hendrick

    March 11, 2021

    I really liked your post and it was well thought out. You also pointed out some things I had not considered so that was interesting to think about.
    Thank you,
    Brodie Hendrick

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