How Do You Approach Fear?

Once I was scared about being in a plane crash because, in the news one day, I read about a plane crashing ad many people dying. After that, every time I was on a plane, I was afraid of the plane crashing. As I grew older, I started to learn more about the statistics of a plane crashing, researching the airline company, and actions to take if a plane crashes. I now understand that knowing more helps me become fearless of a scary situation such as my example of having a fear of being in a plane crash.

Created By: Owls4ever

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  1. Monkeys4Ever

    April 24, 2021

    I agree that knowing more facts about the situation that scares you helps control your fear. Being more knowledgeable about the situation you are in is one way to approach your fears.

  2. JD Mangum

    April 27, 2021

    Hello, I really liked your response. I agree that learning about the feature made to make thing safer makes the flight or experience better because you don’t have that worry in you.

  3. giselle_14

    April 28, 2021

    Hi! I agree with your response of learning about it prior the experience just made it worse. I’m glad you were able to overcome it though!

  4. Eleanora Fitzpatrick

    April 29, 2021

    Hi! I have also had experiences where I feared something that turned out to be extremely unlikely and rare once I researched it further. I am more scared of being so far above the ground myself rather than the plane crashing, lol.

  5. angel06

    May 4, 2021

    Hello, I agree that just seeing something without knowing much can affect your future experiences. I thought it was really cool that you researched it and are now not as scared.

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