How do you approach fear

One fear I had was a fear of heights. I still struggle with this from time to time but overall I feel I have mastered it. When I went on a zipline course in elementary school the course was really high up. Even though I was attached to a wire all I could focus on was how high up from the ground I was. I took deep breaths and with a few more trips to the zipline course I feel I am alot better then when I started.

Created By: livmadeleineD.

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  1. Emerson Reid

    May 6, 2021

    Hey! I am so glad that you were able to overcome your fear. I personally don’t have a fear of heights to an extent. For example, skydiving sounds pretty scary to me but I still feel like I might try it at some point in my life. Overall, great job and I am proud that you went back to the zipline course multiple times. It sounds like you’ve overcome your fear!

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