Impact and Outcomes of Video Games

In my own opinion, video games could be both good and bad. Some games help you relax while some make you addicted to them. Some games also require money, especially gacha games. However, these games can also teach you how to manage your money. In some games, you start off as a weak, broke, underdeveloped player. Then, you train them how to become stronger using strategies your mind has come up with. It helps you see the real world, but on a small screen. Video games will help you a lot as you can use the things you learned there in real life. However, it still does not mean that it is entirely good. Too many video games are harmful. Make sure to go outside, touch grass, feel the fresh air, etc. Video games with multiplayer options are also nice especially if you have friends from the opposite side of the world and you want to bond with them. Video games are all different so, the content of the game is what would truly impact you.

Created By: nicolebautista

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