Learning Strategies:

There are a variety of learning strategies, from mnemonic devices to note-taking. Depending on each individual’s learning style, any method in between can be utilized.

Personally, I learn best by taking notes as I read text for my classes. Note-taking greatly increases my retention of new concepts or information. I have found that taking copious notes while reading monotonous text allows me to remember the information with greater ease and clarity.

Another learning strategy that helps me remember complicated information, particularly in math, is mnemonic devices. For example, the mnemonic device SOH CAH TOA helps me remember the formulas for three of the most common Trigonometric ratios. I can automatically refer to this mnemonic device rather than search elsewhere for those equations.

Overall, while there are many learning strategies that help people remember information, note-taking and mnemonic devices work the best for me.

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  1. livmadeleineD.

    January 27, 2021

    Wow! this was a very good response! I made a similar point.

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