Learning Techniques

I use a variety of techniques when learning that help me memorize. When I am taking notes, I prefer to take handwritten notes. I write them on one page with three or four different colors depending on the class. Black takes up the body of my notes, blue is for headings and subheadings, green is for diagrams, and red is for anything extremely important. Not all notes require me to draw diagrams, which is why I sometimes only use three colors. Writing them on one page requires me to condense information and discard everything I do not need. The different colors help me differentiate information so I can easily find something on the page.

When doing work and assignments, I break them into smaller tasks and complete them within a time limit. I find that thirty-minute timers work best for me, but this can vary from person to person. This keeps my mind focused and engaged as I try to complete the task within the time limit. When I have two large tasks that will both take a long time, I will alternate and work thirty minutes on one and then work thirty minutes on the other until they are done.

Lastly, during revision, I like to make summary sheets. Summary sheets are similar to my notes, but there are some key differences. I make summary sheets at the end of the semester before exams. I will choose a topic and try to write down everything I remember without looking at my notes. I then compare my notes and summary sheet and see what I missed. I add those to the summary sheet and go over the sheet a few times. If there is something that I cannot remember, I write it down on flashcards and go over it the next day.

I keep track of all assignments and lectures in a planner. The way I study is quite complex for most people, but it helps me study and remember. My memory is absolutely horrid so having something that is very strict like this helps.

Created By: Delaney Y.

Uploaded To: The Science of Thinking

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  1. 4627984

    January 29, 2021

    I like how you use the goal of writing one page of notes to keep your writing concise. I also use different colors to take notes, mostly pencil, but boxes and special colors to make things stand out. I find that notes work as study tools, because they give me a place to store information.

  2. CM_GILE

    February 5, 2021

    That is a very good way to help yourself memorize, this is actually the same thing that I did when I needed to memorize large amounts o texts in a short time, such as a devotional, or a bible chapter. Another method I use is to get the first line or two and say them aloud over and over again, till I can recall them easily, then do so for the next line, then merge them. This way, I can subconsciously speak recite them with relative ease.

  3. avarandall

    February 8, 2021

    I use the time limit technique when completing my work as well! I typically do it in increments of an hour, take a 15-minute stretch break, and then do another hour. I actually use an app that’s based around this idea called “Flora.” You set a time limit and your plant will grow throughout it; however, if you go on another app or quit halfway, the plant dies. It’s definitely kept me focused and off my phone.

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