Overcoming Procrastination:

I have a close relationship with the instant gratification monkey and the panic monster. The rational decision-maker and I, on the other hand, have very brief and scarce interactions. I tell myself that I will be responsible after, but unfortunately, that later never quite seems to make an appearance. However, I have noticed that there are things that may help with this problem.

1.) Stick to a schedule. When I have a strict schedule telling me when I can and cannot take breaks, it helps keep me on task.

2.) Negative reinforcement. While unpleasant, negative reinforcement can help keep you on task. Something that I am going to try is to take my phone away from myself if I find myself neglecting my schedule and schoolwork. For instance, if my grade falls below a certain limit, I will ignore my phone until I bring it back up.

3.) One more thing that I am going to try is to challenge myself to finish assignments within a certain time limit. This will create a “contest” with myself to see how fast I can complete my responsibilities.

Overall, there are ways to overcome the temptation to procrastinate. I am going to try these methods to see how they work out!

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