Overwhelming Evidence

I have heard a lot of information about Climate Change. Climate Change is the recent warming trend in global temperatures in a short time period due to human-related activities. The Earth has always experienced warming and cooling periods. What makes Climate Change different is the time period in which it is occurring. The Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and Climate Change has taken place over approximately 200 years. This is a serious and dangerous problem. Life evolves over millions of years - not hundreds of years. While life has been able to evolve and adapt to previous warming and cooling trends, life cannot evolve at the rate that humans are altering the environment, and the damage that humans are inflicting on our planet is extensive. In the past 200 years, humans have deforested forests, burned fossil fuels, spilled oil, hunted endangered animals, introduced invasive species, mined natural resources, dropped atomic bombs, increased human population, doubled the average human life expectancy, developed more and more land to accommodate a growing population, depleted soil nutrients, and polluted waters. Does this sound natural? Does this sound civilized? Does this sound acceptable? No. No. No. No, it is not natural for a single species who has lived on the planet for a fraction of a percent of geologic history to cause temperatures to rise by slightly more than one degree Celsius in less than a fraction of the time that the species as a whole has existed. No, it is not civilized to place economic greed over the existence of almost all life forms on the planet. No, it is not acceptable to knowingly cause ecological harm to the environment nor is it worth it. Yet despite all of this overwhelming evidence that Climate Change is a serious problem, there are still politicians who deny Climate Change’s existence at all, let alone it’s serious threat. *Note: 'The image above is designed by me.'*

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  1. sportingelijah

    April 9, 2021

    Wow, That is a lot of information on climate change, I did not know much about climate change before this unit, and this post seems to sum up the recent effects of climate change on earth perfectly. Excellent Post!

  2. xburritosx

    April 11, 2021

    Wow I love how much information you put in here!! It was cool to read and easy to follow!! Good job!

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