When I was learning about the order of operations in math I was really struggling to understand it. My teacher could see that I was having a hard time and told me to remember “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” I asked her why and she said that the first letter of each word correlates to the first letter of the words in the order of operation and they are in the same order also. This was very help full for me and I still use it to this day.

Created By: Eagle W.

Uploaded To: The Science of Thinking

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  1. Owls4ever

    February 4, 2021

    Hi, I also use “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” to memorize the order of operations! I agree it was really helpful and I use it today also. Good Job!

  2. paulmontoya_04

    February 14, 2021

    Hi, I’ve heard this phrase a lot growing up and it has also helped me to remember PEMDAS until I was able to simply remember without using “please excuse my dear aunt Sally”. I know sometimes it is difficult to learn new subjects especially in math and these little catch phrases helped a ton. Nice work!

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