Placebo Effect

I believe that the placebo effect was very useful and is sometimes even used in modern times. The actual effect of the placebo is all in the brain or the mind of the user. For example, if someone is feeling sick and believes that taking a medication pill will make them feel better, their brain will trick them into actually believing the pill had an effect. This is a common practice in medical fields because of its practicality. Sometimes the medication is not available or nurses want to participate in a social experiment. Whatever the case may be, the placebo effect has a strong impact on the users who take it. They may start to feel better from whatever condition they face simply by taking the pill with no effect in it. Because they take a pill they believe will make them feel better, the brain will trick them into actually feeling better. The same can we talked about when someone is in pain. This is why when someone is receiving a shot, the doctors recommend thinking of something else. When the brain is thinking of something else, the pain from the shot is not felt as much as if the person was to focus all their attention on receiving the shot. The brain tricks them into receiving less pain for a shot just as the brain tricks them into feeling better for a pill with no effect. The magic of the placebo effect is true and should be used in medical fields often for its practicality.

Created By: paulmontoya_04

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