
What is your favorite color?

Created By: WonderWizard

Uploaded To: Wonder -o- Matic

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  1. mar-mar

    January 26, 2017

    my favoite color is red

  2. mar-mar

    January 26, 2017


  3. WonderWizard

    January 31, 2017

    Answer: I really love white because it is actually all of the colors the eyes can see at once. When light stimulates all of the color sensors in the eye (three cones), we see white…so it’s really like seeing all color at once. Cool. I know this because I am the WonderWizard.

  4. WonderWizard

    February 9, 2017


  5. WonderWizard

    February 9, 2017

    my favoite coior is blu

  6. WonderWizard

    February 9, 2017


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