I have always struggled with sleeping because I am a night owl. I like staying up at night when it is quiet, and there are few distractions that can keep me from focusing. This, as you can imagine, leads to me getting very little sleep. I have been like this since I was little and honestly, I have trouble falling asleep anyways so even if I wanted to go to bed I probably could not. When I attended public school I often got only three hours of sleep or less because I couldn’t fall asleep or I wanted to stay up. Recently I have been able to get more sleep because of digital school. I am able to do work when I want to and I am not forced to be present in a classroom by 8:00 o’clock in the morning. I usually work really late and then go to bed. I have found that I actually don’t have trouble sleeping as long as I do not go to bed early. To my grandmother’s dismay, I do end up sleeping until midday. She doesn’t like this and I will probably end up having to go to bed earlier; however, I struggle to fall asleep if I do that.
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