The Immune System as a Defense

Nature based algorithms can solve a variety of problems and are widely applicable. I found all five of the nature based algorithms that were explained in the video interesting; however, I found the immune system security algorithm the most fascinating.

The algorithm based on our immune system was the most interesting to me, because the human immune system fascinates me. The purpose of our immune system is to recognize and attack foreign invaders in our bodies that will cause harm, and distinguish the harmful invaders from non harmful and essential parts of the body. The human immune system has evolved for tens of thousands of years to achieve this task. Additionally, the human immune system is capable of retaining memory of past invaders so that it can counter previous threats more quickly in the future. To use the human immune system to create an algorithm to defend a website against hacking is incredibly ingenious.

Created By: Sydney Bristow

Uploaded To: Nature Based Algorithms

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