I found this video very interesting, looking more deeply into how our thought processes work. I think for me personally I learn best in environments where I am asked questions and am forced to work things out myself more than just being given answers. I like the challenge of trying to uncover information rather than having it handed to me. I actually am familiar with the process of chunking because of a psychology class I took, and I use chunking most often in trying to memorize phone numbers, since dividing the whole number into three different sections the way we do with phone numbers makes it easer to remember. I actually had to use this when memorizing my current phone number, since it took me a while to actually remember it, and now I can easily tell someone it. For example, if I was to try and memorize the number: 983628, putting it all together would make it much more difficult to remember. But if I put it together like 98 36 28 then it would be easier to remember, this is how chunking works.
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Emerson Reid
February 2, 2021
This is so cool! I’ve never heard of the chunking technique before, but I will be sure to use it from time to time. I also really admire your love for challenges; sometimes I find it hard to persevere when something is really difficult. My favorite memory techniques are definitely mnemonics, however, because there is a variety of them that can adapt to every situation. Great post!
February 4, 2021
I also use chunking to remember my phone number! I think it is a very good habit that you like facing challenges because it only makes you better!!! Good Job!!