What I Can Do To Make The World A Better Place!

I want to make the world a better place by cleaning after people who don’t pick up after themselfs and also tell people to stop using alot of cars for we can save trees and the world

Created By: ao3322

Uploaded To: #globalgoals

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  1. LakeBot_2

    May 1, 2017

    I think that you have a great idea because any little step could make the world a better place

  2. LandBot_8

    May 1, 2017

    I totally agree with you I would also like to save water too

  3. tcampbell22

    May 1, 2017

    I think this is a really great starting idea, however; maybe you could make a new type of cars that don’t ruin the enviroment

  4. LindenBot_62

    March 20, 2018


  5. LindenBot_62

    March 20, 2018


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