Edit your Profile.

Think of this as your personal calling card, the place where people can get a sense of who you are through the current inquiry, work and communities you’re involved in. Whether it’s for meeting people from other collectives or establishing your own digital landing page for your work, this is a glimpse of you.

Amy Spittler Shaffer

Wonderment HQ

Obsessed with the intelligence of relationships. Creative Director at The Wonderment Cooperative.

Obsessed with the intelligence of relationships. Creative Director at The Wonderment Cooperative.

Why I'm so excited about the Tower Project

Anyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about the importance of third spaces in society—they're one of the hidden-in-plain-sight elements that keeps human civilization connected to one another in real, fun ways. The Tower Project is one of my favorite projects I'm following right now not only because it is centered around an essential resource like this (and in my own hometown/community!) but also because of the WAY it's focusing on reimagining what third spaces can be moving into a new generation. This path will document some of the experiences, people and insights I encounter in following the project and hopefully give an additional lens on why it is such worthy work to support and get involved in.

How can love’s “intelligence” shape AI?

I got the chance to see the 10th anniversary re-release of Interstellar on IMAX this week. This scene brought together some thoughts and feelings I’ve been having for a few months of the state of where our humanity and capacities and limitations all might be made visible to us in new ways in the next phase of AI development (and where it succeeds and fails).

This Path is a gathering of the elements of this conversation in my own mind and an invitation to contribute anything it brings up for you.

How the process works

Profiles are the first step to make yourself known in the Wonderment process and network and to start using the platform to create, document and share the elements that make collaboration in Collectives possible.