Edit your Profile.

Think of this as your personal calling card, the place where people can get a sense of who you are through the current inquiry, work and communities you’re involved in. Whether it’s for meeting people from other collectives or establishing your own digital landing page for your work, this is a glimpse of you.

Amy Spittler Shaffer

Amy Spittler Shaffer

Wonderment HQ

Exploring ecosystems, resource flow and living in a practical world with a playful soul. Interested in people who want to build around the intelligence of relationships.

How can love’s “intelligence” shape AI?

I got the chance to see the 10th anniversary re-release of Interstellar on IMAX this week. This scene brought together some thoughts and feelings I’ve been having for a few months of the state of where our humanity and capacities and limitations all might be made visible to us in new ways in the next phase of AI development (and where it succeeds and fails).

This Path is a gathering of the elements of this conversation in my own mind and an invitation to contribute anything it brings up for you.

We want you to make your best Profile. Why?

Many of you have seen this endeavor (and platform) in all its phases. And—true to form—we're always learning and improving and there is still more to come. But the new Profiles are ready for you brilliant hearts to start creating with! Watch the video above if you want to get a sense of what's coming soon for the Project and Collective pages too, as well as some context and vision for how we see the Profile working and how this will help all of us keep getting to know each other better along the way. Then get going on your Profile!
  • Just click the Menu button in the top right corner and then Dashboard
  • You will be able to go to My Profile there
  • Once you're there, you can start playing with adding highlights from your Portfolio and doing the Strengths/Interests/Communities activity tabs to complete your About Me section
As all of our Profiles start taking shape, this collective will be a great launching point at any moment for each of us to see what is interesting and activating each other as individuals—and it will help set the example for many future collectives (including each of our own). This is the seed phase—and we can't think of a group of beings who we'd rather grow a forest with!

Meet Gloria Chura Apaza

This is a collection of reflections about the materials that I work with and the meaning behind it.