Edit your Profile.

Think of this as your personal calling card, the place where people can get a sense of who you are through the current inquiry, work and communities you’re involved in. Whether it’s for meeting people from other collectives or establishing your own digital landing page for your work, this is a glimpse of you.

Amy J.

Costa Rica

I am a former teacher that still loves interacting with students of all ages. I love exercise and talking to people. My goals are to add value to my communities, enjoy nature, to travel and learn.

I am a former teacher that still loves interacting with students of all ages. I love exercise and talking to people. My goals are to add value to my communities, enjoy nature, to travel and learn.

Business journeys with a small dose of health

I would like to follow a process of finding the right fit activities for right now. My old right fit was being a teacher. There is a picture of me and my class on a very cool field trip to Atlanta and showing some of the great connections that we made there. I am moving on from that job where I had a ton of connections and now am working to branch out and create something new. This is showing what it is like to start a new venture. This week, the new ventures are opening a new store in our area and the different aspects of how to do that. The other new venture is starting Project Wonder and opening that up to the world to take part in.  Another would be working on staying healthy and enjoying the outdoors and exercise communities here in Guanacaste Costa Rica. So all of those things are at the forefront of my mind right now and I would like to think about the process of going through some business journeys along with a small part of creating balance and health in a busy life.

Reflection about strengths from Amy

The prompt was to think about how my strengths are relevant today and what I can use them for in the future.

It gives you the confidence to stand up for what you believe in.

My strength of creativity has me always looking for interesting and fun ways to do things. This has led me to be creative in jobs that I have had in the past, I have created new structures of new ways of doing things and have really enjoyed doing that. This strength of creativity and the understanding of people around me really helps to make my surroundings enjoyable. 


I would like to think that I believe in doing things that others will benefit from and it is interesting to make the world a better place. These are the things that propel me to continue to create and revise and communicate with others. To be creative, it is also important to hear how the process works for others and to adapt to their feedback. This needs to be something that I keep in mind as well! 

It supports your understanding of your motivation to do things.

Right now it is important to know my strengths because I am trying to start a new business that might be my work for many years to come. I have an idea in my head and I get pretty excited about it when I think about the outcome of the project for me and for students that will be involved in the upcoming years. My strengths of creativity help me envision the outcome and give me lots of ideas to work with while I am moving forward with the project. Because I have good social intelligence, I am always looking for people to work with and I also am able to talk to so many people about the idea and get some input and suggestions along the way. That motivates me.

When I look at these strengths, I also realize that I can implement this project. However, I also realize that those are not enough to manage the daily output and need input to implement the details. 

Some of this I am learning on a daily basis. What is the motivation behind getting things done? It is not money that is the motivating factor, but it is developing something that I am proud of and something that will help students succeed in the world that we are living in today. Because of that, I need to make sure that I put the effort in to create something of value that students will be engaged with throughout the process. 


That could be where my strength of zest comes in. I have a lot of energy and need to create good structure to make sure that the time that I have is spent well.