Santa Grams And Tournament

For the past two weeks, Ashley and I have done a lot of reflexion and thinking. We have focussed mainly on our plans before the break. In our yearbook meetings, we have had a variety of fun activities to get the girls excited about the yearbook, as well as brainstorming. We have brainstormed fun activities to do before the trimester ends, we finally decided to continue our brainstorming on the dodgeball tournament and Santa Grams. For the dodgeball tournament, we want to have it either this upcoming week or at the beginning of next, next week. After we have done the dodgeball tournament, we will continue to announce and start selling our Santa Grams. As I mentioned in the journal entry before this one, we will focus on the kids in Tenorio and students from Chirripo. We decided that for the tournament there will be teams of a total of 5 people each. The cost per team will be 5000 colones, however, this is not definite, we still are working out the logistics which is why we will have a meeting this Monday. In this meeting, we will figure out some details that are missing, in order to start announcing it to the community. Some challenges that we are facing overall, is the lack of time. Something we will focus on in the future if we were to do this again is, starting earlier. Time is a challenge for us, but it’s not impossible to make it happen with determination and teamwork. We do have to finish planning as fast as we can in order to have time to do both of our activities, but I am sure we will overcome this challenge. On the other hand, with our Santa Grams, yeah its the candy grams but Christmas edition. The reason for these candy grams is that we want to do something different and get everyone into Christmas spirit. This time we want Santa Grams to be different and motivate people to buy them. We will have a small bag for 500 colones and a bigger bag which will cost 1500 colones. The smaller bag will contain candy and the candy will be a mix of Costa Rican candy and candy from the US. The big bag, will be a Christmas hat and this will have the candy inside, it will also come with a Christmas card. We would be selling them to all the students and even teachers. Beforehand, we will also be trying to buy all the candy with the money obtained from the tournament, that way we can start making them earlier. Lastly, We would sell them the week before the last week of school and on the last week of school, we will deliver them. Although there are many details to figure out for these two activities, we have also been working on the actual yearbook process with our committee. We have brainstormed ideas for themes such as Emerged, Unplugged, In Living Color, and New Horizons. We also made them accounts in Pictavo in order to start uploading pictures into the albums. This will facilitate our job when it comes to putting the yearbook together and we don’t have to rush at the end finding photos.
Overall, this trimester has taught me that a yearbook project, is extremely challenging. It’s a project in which you have to be careful and acknowledge each and every detail. Its a project that takes a lot of time to do and it is necessary to stay on top of everything to be able to be successful. Now form the Cepia-Boston Exchange Project, yeah it definitely is one of the hardest projects I have set up for myself. We had many challenges this year regarding money and time, which is why we won’t be able to assist this year. However, this doesn’t mean we will forget about it and move one. No! We will work to the best of our ability, to make this trip happen again next year. We also will help Willa and Mileidy organize the trip for the student from Boston who are coming down next school year. For now, our plan is to introduce ourselves to Lauren, letting her know we will be leading this project next school year. We then plan on figuring out the next students from Cepia to receive this opportunity so that by the beginning of January we can start the visa process with them, as well as starting to fundraise. We are extremely happy to be a part of this project, we did help Willa and Miley with fundraising for the trip they will go on this December, so we feel grateful for forming part of this trip and contributing even if it was a little bit, to these two girls happiness.

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  1. MissAmy

    November 21, 2018

    Your diligence and commitment to your project shows in your planning and reflections. Keep up the great work! I am super excited about your activities coming up!

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