Making Progress!

The past two weeks I kept planning the bingo which was the fundraiser I mentioned in my last entry. Initially the bingo was going to be the following weekend of the grand opening of the Terraza Youth Center which happened on november 10th. That means it was scheduled for this weekend Saturday 17th, but CAS night was scheduled for this weekend. At first I thought of this as an obstacle because I am running out of time, and both the CAS night date and the BINGO date where schedule with time in advanced but I didn’t realize it happened to be on the same day. I realized at the beginning of last week and thankfully was able to figure things out, first I talked to miss Amy. I was feeling anxious and a little stressed because I didn’t know what to do, but she turned the whole situation into an opportunity with positive outcomes. CAS night happens every year, and most of the adults that come to see the presentations have kids so there is always a babysitting option which organized by another senior student. This year the baby siting was planned to be at the Terraza Youth Center and I had to come; this is because only half of the 11th and 12th graders present their CAS projects, the other half babysit and all of the funds are equally divided for the CAS projects. Miss Amy told me: Why don’t you do it during baby sitting and have it be kids BINGO? Aka the greatest idea anyone could have. So I went and talked to Mayan (senior in charge of CAS night) and she told me to go and talk to Willa (another senior in charge of the babysitting). I went and talked to Willa and she told me that it was a great idea and to just let Mayan know to raise the price of the babysitting. Parents had to already pay $15 for just babysitting which included a movie, games, pizza and popcorn; Willa recommended me to have it be $5 so i went and told Mayn if she could raise the price to $20 total including bingo. At first she said yes and she was going to change the prize on the poster that was going to be posted and announced, but a day later she came up to me and told me that the price was now too high. She kindly offered me 2 solutions: either cancel and postpone the bingo, or have it be optional per kid to pay the extra $5 when she said this, many things crossed my mind because I’ve had the prices that were donated for almost a month now and this weekend was basically the only weekend the bingo could happen. I told her I would have it be optional and I just asked her if she could write about it on the same post about the CAS night which was available to all o the parents of the community. Mayan kindly wrote about it,, but also told me this is now an extra activity so it is your job to market it much as you can so that everyone is aware. Initially I was going to make virtual poster but my computer prevented me from doing that; I don’t not take that as an excuse so I decided to announce about it in community meeting. I let know younger kids from the otter campus so that they could help me announce about it during their community meeting, Mayan announced about CAS night and I asked her, and she also announced about it. Finally I went to every class 10th grade down (because 10th grade up where all participating or watching CASS night) and announced about it and answered any questions the kids had. Lastly the CAS night came around, I arrived at the Terraza Youth center (where the babysitting was taking place) early; I brought the bingo the prizes and printed more bingo cards to make sure there were enough. It was the perfect way of ending the night or the kids, they were all super excited about it, many ids bought more than one bingo card and themayority of the ids ended up participating except for like 3 kids out of around 30 that came. I recollected $140 total nd didn’t have to pay for the prices because they were lucky donations! That I went to as for with my friend Ashley earlier in october, I think this was a great start for my first fundraiser. Many people recommended me to do another one, maybe with more prices and have it be a bigger activity and one of its own. I am definitely considering doing other one as soon as we get back from break in january because these few weeks that are left I have a full schedule for, though I will definitely plan ahead and start promoting the next BINGO!

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  1. MissAmy

    November 21, 2018

    Camila, The event was so well received. Your tenacity and enthusiasm made it happen and I definitely think that you can do it again to raise more money. The kids were happy with the activity and it made the night even more special!

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