The 7 Learning Outcomes

1. Identifying Strengths and Areas for Growth
I think that my strengths are planning things out, knowing what I will need, what I won’t need, having it all planned out in my head, but I can’t
seem figure out how to execute it all in unison. I know all the key parts, but when it comes down to it, I don’t know how to put them together, I don’t know where to start. This is a problem in other subjects too, where I have trouble starting, but once I’m rolling, I just keep going.
2. Demonstrate that Challenges Have Been
Undertaken, Developing New Skills in the
I haven’t exactly started doing any big challenges, but I have learned to think more critically, with a more analytical eye, and I have learned to be more open-minded. For example, I had this view that there had to be a fence, since dog parks have fence, but then I thought “This is a training park, dogs are going to be on leash. There isn’t a need for a fence.” I have learned to think outside the box and not shut ideas down before thinking them over from every angle.
3. Demonstrate How to Initiate and Plan a CAS
Again, I haven’t started it properly yet, I have the list of materials, but I don’t have permission to use the land yet, and I don’t have all the marketing figured out. Therefore, I can’t exactly ask for the land since my idea is still kind of half-baked. But once I have all the necessary criteria, I will make the presentation, get my land, get my materials, and begin making my Dog Bark
4. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the
benefit of working collaboratively
I haven’t exactly been working with anybody, I talked with Ms. Amy about CAS, and I talked with Bernabe about the cementing and how he made his “metal skeleton” of the green house he plans to make and where he got his materials. This shows the benefit because I learned things from other people, that they already learned through experience, and I can use those things for my CAS project
5. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS
Like I said, the project is still in the planning stages, not a lot has happened physically, but I am still sticking to my project, even though there is still a lot to figure out. Like how I’m going to create shade in such a large area, because it being Costa Rica, Guanacaste, it gets really hot, really fast. So I need shade so that nobody that uses my park gets heat stroke and so that they want to use it. I will either need to get a tree, or buy parasols and somehow make them stay in the ground.
6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global
Like I said, the project is still in the planning stages, but dogs being sad and disobedient is an issue, and therefore having a dog park where they can better their agility and obedience and bond with their owner is a good idea. So I am engaging issues of global significance by doing this project.
7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices
and actions.
I would say, that everything that I did so far, is ethically responsible, since I am still in the planning stages, and since I am making a dog park by buying materials from the community I am supporting the community. It’s also going to be right next to the school, which does show favoritism for the school, but I will post signs advertising it and buying land costs a lot of money, which I don’t have and if a person that owns dogs that will lend me the land, why should I say no. Therefore I would say that ethically my actions are just.

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  1. MissAmy

    November 21, 2018

    Dag, thank you for your thoughts on your project. I look forward to hearing about the meeting that you will have with the owners of the land. I think that is the next step so that you can then move your project forward.

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