14 February 2023

The Approaches to Learning:


  • Thinking – (creative, critical, transfer)
  • Social (collaboration)


How have you used one of the above ATLs while working on your project?

Give examples.


While working on our project we have used the ATL of thinking, more specifically creative thinking. For our project we need to demonstrate our ability to think creatively and use our skills to enhance our studio. This past week we have been brainstorming on ways in which we can start to design the wall at the studio. It is challenging to put so many elements in just one wall, there are many things that are important and that we want to include. We will use our thinking skills to design something that the dancers at the studio will value and cherish. It’s challenging because we want to make the wall inclusive and at the same time match with the rest of the studio. We are definitely going out of our comfort zone by exploring new ways in which we can express our artistic sides. We need to explore our creative side and take advantage of it to put a lot of work and commitment on this wall.    


How has your experience in this area enhanced your ability to learn in other classes or prepared you for life in general? Explain.


Starting off our project together has taught us many valuable lessons already. This wall is just a tiny part of our project and we are really excited to see the progress. We both have learned that the little things matter and going into a task with commitment and perseverance can make anything happen. We both care a lot about the sudio and want to let our community know how we are grateful for everything they have provided for us during the years. With this project, we will learn the importance of showing affection to the ones that help us and how it’s important to return that affection in simple but valuable ways. 


A picture of the wall before:

Created By: Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Spread & Support Art

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