Video Planning

The main goal of my video is to portray the positive effects that are resulted through this project and to capture the process. My project finishes on the 18th of December so this means that I need to have a plan of how to capture the process and the day of the event. I want to have a few different perspectives in my video. I want an interview with a 4 year old, an 8 year old and a 15 year old. I want to ask them about the effect that this project has had on them. I also want to include footage from the day of the event in order to capture the joyful atmosphere of the event. I also want videos of the days that we spend wrapping and organizing the gifts. I want to tell the story of my project from beginning to end to show the work and dedication put into and the amazing result that is the reward at the end. In the video the gifts will represent a happiness and a joy that we as a community are trying to pass on and give to the community. Through this video I hope to raise an awareness of how others can help the community and how you can make a change. My goal is to have it done by December 22 so that I can publicise it and show the people who have contributed to the project their impact. I hope that this further motivates them to make a positive change in our community. I will have my exact plan done around the 1st of Decemeber so that I am ready to start taking the videos.

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